The Memphis Grizzlies along with The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis has announced the 2015 Don Poier Memorial Scholarship. Don Poier was the Grizzlies’ broadcaster in Vancouver from 1995-2001, and then from 2001 until he passed away in 2005.
"Don Poier Memorial ScholarshipThis scholarship assists well-rounded, public high school students living in Shelby County, TN who demonstrate strong character and are actively involved in school and the community. The scholarship must be used towards the student’s freshman year of college.History of the FundThe Don Poier Memorial Scholarship was created in 2006 in honor of the Memphis Grizzlies’ legendary broadcaster. Don was the “voice” of the Vancouver Grizzlies from 1995-2001, and then the Memphis Grizzlies from 2001 until his untimely death in January 2005. Don brought a passion for the game that was second to none. He was a treasured member of the Grizzlies, beloved by family, friends, athletes, and fans throughout his career, spanning two countries, three decades, dozens of teams, thousands of games, and countless sporting events. Don is remembered for his wit, charm, and warmth, but most of all, for his genuine love of family, friends, and the game of basketball.The following criteria will be used to evaluate candidates for the Don Poier Memorial Scholarship:excellence in academic performancecommunity involvement and active citizenshippersonal statementEligibility RequirementsPlease note the application for this scholarship is due March 2, 2015.All applicants must:Be graduating, high school seniors from a public high school located in Shelby County, TNhave a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, as well as a minimum 17 ACT score;be accepted by and plan to attend an accredited vocational or technical school, two-year, or four-year college or university; andsubmit the Don Poier Memorial Scholarship application form and required attachments.A complete application includes:completed Don Poier Memorial Scholarship application form;personal statement which highlights the student’s character, detailing important academic and community contributions and leadership roles (500 words or less);two current letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, clergy, or persons other than family members who are familiar with your skills and abilities;most recent high school transcript;copy of your ACT and/or SAT scores; and acopy of your Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) Student Aid Report (SAR) and Expected Family Contribution (EFC) information, OR your College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile.This scholarship is awarded to one student each year. The scholarship amount for 2015 will start at $1,500.Scholarship recipients are also entitled to:recognition as scholarship winner at spring Memphis Grizzlies home game in April 2015;tour of Don Poier Media Suite and FedExForum with Poier family upon announcing the scholarship award.Your application and all related attachments must be received in the offices of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis by 4:00 p.m. on March 2, 2015."
Apply by 3/2 for the Don Poier Memorial Scholarship, which honors legendary #Grizz broadcaster! @SCSK12Unified
— Memphis Grizzlies (@memgrizz) February 18, 2015
The Grizzlies’ continue to help the Greater Memphis Community, and that’s why they’re a top flight organization. Memphis was listed as one of the 11 poorest cities in the United States recently by CBS News. This scholarship will help those graduating high school seniors looking to get a quality college education.