Memphis Grizzlies: ESPN projects a low win total … again

MEMPHIS, TN - APRIL 27: Mike Conley
MEMPHIS, TN - APRIL 27: Mike Conley /

Once again, the national media underestimates the Memphis Grizzlies. As the season rolls around, how many wins does ESPN think the Grizz will win?

The Memphis Grizzlies aren’t the most glamorous team. They don’t have the youngsters with superstar potential. There’s not a marketable star like LeBron, Kevin Durant or Steph Curry. When they play, you won’t here many ooh’s and ahh’s – unless Mike Conley has the basketball. What does that mean for the Grizzlies?

Low expectations.

That’s right. Every single year is the same ole thing. Rising, young teams are projected to finally take the next step and reach the playoffs. As a result, the Memphis Grizzlies are the casualty as many experts say they’ll be the team that slides out of the picture.

What happens instead? The young teams aren’t ready, and the Grizzlies continue their playoff streak.

As the 2017-18 season rolls around, ESPN uses RPM (Real Plus Minus) to project every team’s win total. When using RPM, they calculate the net change in score while each player is on the court.

This year, the calculations show the Memphis Grizzlies to win a mere 34.6 games – so basically 35 – and to finish 12th in the West. ESPN recognizes how they usually outperform their RPM projections, but there’s still a little concern:

"I’ll forgive Grizzlies fans if they’re dubious of RPM’s pessimism. Memphis outperformed a 39-win projection last season to win 43 games and claim the seventh seed in the West. This year, with the competition more difficult, even beating this RPM projection might not be enough for a Grizzlies playoff run."


Thirty-five wins seems a tad low for the Grizzlies, but it’s definitely something to be legitimately concerned with. Both Marc Gasol and Mike Conley operate this team. If they play well, everything runs fine. If not, then it’s downright frightening. In addition, if guys like Tyreke Evans and Chandler Parsons can’t stay healthy, making the playoffs will be even more difficult.

While healthy is also a concern, the Grizzlies need improvement from the young players. Losing Tony Allen (likely), Zach Randolph and Vince hurts, so someone has to step up – whether it’s Ben McLemore, Wayne Selden, Dillon Brooks, Wade Baldwin or Andrew Harrison.

Next: Change is Coming

The Western Conference has improved this year, so making the playoffs isn’t set in stone by any means. However, while there’s a possibility of a “35-win, 12th seed” Grizz team, there’s also a chance we see a “47-win, 6th seed” Memphis team.