Memphis Grizzlies: 15 best NBA Draft picks of all time

(Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)
(Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)
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Stromile Swift, Memphis Grizzlies
(Photo by Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images)

No, seriously.

Stromile Swift is on this list. I realize that he’s also on pretty much any list of biggest busts from his era which seems contradictory. The fact that it’s not tells you just about everything you need to know about the Grizzlies and the draft.

Stromile was by no means a good pick. His five seasons at 10.9 points and 6 rebounds per game are not what you hope for in a second overall pick. The team’s winning percentage with Stromile playing was in the low 40’s, which is probably even worse for a slot in the draft that should be a franchise player. But still, he’s better than 28 of the 43 picks on the Grizzlies’ resume over the years.

I don’t feel good about this, but I didn’t see any way around it.

If you had to rank the 15 best Adam Sandler movies this century, That’s My Boy  (20 percent on Rotten Tomatoes) embarrassingly makes the list. It’s a flaming pile of garbage that no one should ever watch, but it’s the lesser of evils compared to Jack and Jill at 3 percent on the Tomatometer or Ridiculous 6 and its ridiculous 0 percent.

Also, in Stromile’s defense, the 2000 NBA Draft was one of the worst ever. Kenyon Martin, Darius Miles and Marcus Fizer rounded out the top four. K-Mart, Mike Miller, Jamal Crawford, and Hedo Turkoglu were the best picks of the first round and the drop off is steep from there. Stro didn’t become a great player or anything close to many top two picks, but neither did the other options in this particular draft.