Shelvin Mack is the definition of an NBA journeyman. He’s bounced around from team to team throughout his career. Next up, the Memphis Grizzlies.
The Memphis Grizzlies may be the perfect fit for Mack. As they try and bring back the grit and grind back to Memphis they’ll need tough veterans like Mack to help get that done.
He has been in the league for a long time playing for many different teams. He’s been in very different locker rooms. His experiences in each of those will make him appreciate the city of Memphis and the energy the team and its fans bring each and every day.
He has played in a lot of larger markets over his career and it might be a good thing for him to be in a smaller market like Memphis. Not that those cities are bad but he will be able to come in and focus on basketball even more so than he may have in a larger city.
Mack didn’t just develop his tough-minded attitude overnight. He’s continually grown as a basketball player for over the past decade.